
“It is difficult to find a massage therapist that understands the human body and is in tune with pressure points/ areas that need the most work. Not to mention, I actually enjoy chatting during our session because he is so easy going and relatable. I’m simultaneously relaxed, and giving my body what it needs. Thank You!”

- J.M.


30 Minute Sports Massage - $55.00

Customized sports massage sessions covering 1-2 areas. Designed to reduce muscular tension, adhesions, improve blood flow and recovery.


90 Minute Sports Massage - $120.00

Comprehensive sports massage sessions focusing on full body treatment. Designed to reduce muscular tension, adhesions, improve blood flow and recovery.

60 Minute Sports Massage - $95.00

Thorough sports massage sessions focusing on full body work or longer time on specific areas. Designed to reduce muscular tension, adhesions, improve blood flow and recovery.